ROCK IT & ROLL IT Style Challenge: Prissy

This girl can do no wrong.  When I first say Prissy’s pictures, I was thinking…hmmm…I love the necklace as a bracelet, but where’s the scarf.  Then it dawned on me…it’s a SKIRT!!!!!!  I might have to start calling her Houdini because she had to pull some kind of magic out of her hat to get that scarf to look like that.  I mean, there’s not even a wrinkle.  Geez!  Talk about talent. 



Tshirt: Rue 21

Blazer: Thrifted

Shoes: Joey O

Clutch, Earrings, Ring: Forever 21

Belt: Old Navy (men’s)

Nail Color (wore it as my toe color here) : Sally Hansen Sun Kissed

Mimi Boutique Isabelle Multi Color Stone Drape Necklace worn as bracelet

Mimi Boutique Valerie Pashmina Scarf worn as a skirt

Prissy says…

What a challenge this has been! First, Charee styled the scarf & wore it as a shirt. Then, Eboni wore it as a turban. Lexy wore the scarf as a belt! Now it is my turn. What in the world was I gonna do? I honestly had NO idea how I’d rock both of these items together. I knew I wanted to wear the necklace as a bracelet, but the scarf was my biggest challenge. One of my FAB readers, MrsCrystal, suggested that I wear the scarf as a skirt. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!! How cool was this idea! So that’s exactly what I did. Thank you MrsCrystal for the brilliant suggestion.

MrsCrystal had on her thinking cap!  This was genius!  Another testament to how much we bloggers appreciate feedback from readers/friends.  You guys are the greatest. 

Well, I guess I’m up.  Now that we’ve seen Charee and Lexy and Eboni and Prissy do such a sensation job, I guess that means it’s my turn.  I’ve got my work cut out for me.  I have an idea of what I want to do, but we’ll see how it all plays out.

Time’s winding down, but there’s still a chance to enter to win the $50 Shopping Spree giveaway

11 thoughts on “ROCK IT & ROLL IT Style Challenge: Prissy

  1. I first saw it on my bb and I thought she hadn’t used the scarf also. When I got to my computer and read the post I was shocked. This is genius!!!! She is going to be hard to follow!

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