ROCK IT & ROLL IT Style Challenge: Eboni


I’m not surprised!  Our little style kitten Eboni has brought the heat!  I have been waiting to see what she would come up with being that Charee set the bar so stinkin high, and I was certainly not disappointed.  Looks like I’m gonna have to put my thinking cap on (or if we’re being punny, my “thinking turban”).  Take a look at what this girl brought to the table and why I’m shakin’ in my boots with nerves.  After seeing this, I jokingly asked Eboni if it was too late for me to back out.  Oy vey!





JC Penney Worthington Blazer

GAP Jeans

H&M belt

Mimi Boutique Valerie Pashmina Scarf worn as turban

Mimi Boutique Isabelle Multi Color Stone Drape Necklace

Eboni says…

I was going around in circles about what I was going to do for this challenge.  Both challenge items are super cute so that wasn’t the problem… the problem was wearing them TOGETHER since they are both technically neck accessories.  If it were a longer necklace, I could have wrapped the scarf so that the necklace hung out of the bottom, but since it was a shorter bib-style necklace that wasn’t really an option.  Even if I let the scarf hang open, it overwhelmed the necklace.  Charee did a great job wearing both items together by repurposing the scarf as a top!  I played around with the same idea and experimented several methods of tying the scarf into a skirt and a dress… all of which were very cute but, my eureka moment came via a friend on Twitter! After tweeting that I still hadn’t settled on a Rock It & Roll it Outfit yet, my girl Tysha of Shop Now, Save Later DM’d me the PERFECT suggestion, “Try rocking it as a turban like June Ambrose…” ummm…DUH!

Now, I have to give a little disclaimer.  I am aaaalways going on and on about never saying never when it comes to fashion.  My saying is “all it takes is the RIGHT person wearing the WRONG thing the RIGHT way to make you change your mind,” BUT the turban was the exception to the rule for me.  I thought I could legitimately say NEVER!  I didn’t care HOW fabulous June Ambrose looked in her turban (and she really does look A-MAZ-ING), the turban was NOT for me.  Still, I secretly wanted to try it out. I’ve stalked Natural Belle’s blog for Turbanista posts and watched countless how-to tutorials on Youtube.  I wanted to snatch Folake’s turban right off her head in this post. (it is green after all!) It takes quite a bit of gumption to pull off a turban and I wasn’t sure I had what it took. Lol.  Well, this challenge was all the push I needed.  I went for it and I actually LOVED how it looked.

Now, is the turban going to become my go-to look like Ms. Ambrose? No, probably not. But, would I wear it again? HECK YEAH.  It was fun to step out of my comfort zone.  Isn’t that kind of the beauty of fashion, anyway?  Being a blogger, you open yourself up to a lot of criticism.  My hubby & many of our friends are very confused by my style.  They make it very clear that they think I dress very weird!  I am sure they will have a lot to say about this one… print mixing, color blocking… now turbans? Lol.  Do you think I care? Nope, not one bit.  The way you dress is a PERSONAL expression. Have fun with it!  I am not saying that everyone should run out and wear turbans, but I am saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to push the boundaries a little sometimes.  If there is something out there that you are dying to try…let’s say mixing prints, for instance. Go for it! Chances are it will be FABULOUS! Most importantly, don’t be afraid of WHAT OTHER PEOPLE might think! Put on your proverbial sassy pants and do your thing!

And “do your thing” she did!  I’m amazed and inspired as I too was a naysayer of the turban.  Who knows, I may turn into a closet-turban wearer before you know it.

Oh, and this just in, Eboni’s already got tons of emails and comments asking how she tied her turban so she’ll be doing a DIY on her site.  Stay tuned to The Fashionista Next Door for more (that rhymed).

Well, you know what time it is…Eboni ROCKED IT and now it’s time to ROLL IT.  She’ll be sending these two beautiful items to our next beautiful blogger, Lexy of Beauty Fash



I’m always finding inspiration through the fun that Lexy expresses through her style!  I’m REALLY looking forward to this one!

Don’t forget you can still enter to win a $50 Shopping Spree from  Click here to find out how!

9 thoughts on “ROCK IT & ROLL IT Style Challenge: Eboni

  1. Wao!! You rock this outfit!! Looks so fresh and chic, like a jetsetter. I love the combination and how you pull it off!! Kuddos girl!!

  2. Oh my word Leslie,Eboni rock it…. that was the furthest thing from my mind to come up with when I saw these two items but man, she knock it out of the park! She was thinking outside of the box but still keeping up to the trends. I love it and can’t wait to see how you will turn it out… no pressure… lol!

  3. OMG Eboni has SHUT.IT.DOWN. I need a turban tying tutorial! I thought this look had been done to death in magazines but she has made it wearble and chic.

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