Yellow Jacket

FASHION DU JOUR | How to wear a yellow jacket easter.051FASHION DU JOUR | How to wear a yellow jacket easter

jacket c/o | tee | pants | sunnies

In my opinion, you can wear a yellow jacket with pretty much anything.  At least I would, and this one is so super cute. Clearly, it’s one of those jackets that you’d most often see accompanied by a matching skirt for that Chanel effect, but being the casual and pregnant girl I am, I chose to wear it casually.


13 thoughts on “Yellow Jacket

  1. Hey mama, It’s been a while. Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. Pray all is well. BTW you are glowing in that yellow blazer. Do you know the sex of the baby yet?

    1. How sweet Vernice! We don’t know the sex yet, BUT the plan is to reveal the sex with some kind of casual get-together. We’ll see, we just haven’t gotten around to it. LOL Poor neglected baby.

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