Young Adult Small Group – The Truth About Relationships

Buffets.  We’re all guilty of it.  Piling our plates with load after load after load of food that we don’t stand a chance of finishing and then we go back for dessert.  It’s kind of the metaphor for my life.  I battle the constant tendency to add “just one more thing” to my already overflowing to-do plate.  Just sit down somewhere.  You can’t do everything.  You need to rest.  All very valid words of advice, but none of them apply to me.  At least that’s what the superwoman in me says.  Where am I going with this?  I’m glad you asked.  If you’ve been following me for a while you know about some of my escapades.  I’m married to a minister (associate pastor).  I have 3 children.  Four, three and 4 months.  I work full time.  I blog.  I created the Facebook group called Bloggers Like Me (BLM), which has grown faster than I had ever expected or even hoped.  I am the fashion columnist for L.A. Focus Newspaper.  I won’t even mention the reality TV show.  I guess you can say I have a lot of irons in the fire.   While one might say, you can’t possibly add anything else, I have…and I’m glad I did.

Young Adult Small Group is a group that my husband and I started this time last year.   We began this group after being invited to attend a YASG that friends of ours were hosting.  The session was centered on the Life Management series by Pastor Rick Warren {highly recommended}.  We enjoyed it so much that we had to duplicate it.  So now here we are with week 1 of our second round of YASG under our belts.  This time, the topic is relationships.  To be more specific…the TRUTH about relationships!  The format of the sessions is an open forum where members can feel safe in asking questions and sharing in confidence.  While Jon and I don’t claim to have all the answers, we are moderating the conversations and providing biblical reference as well as our own personal experiences.   The members range from 25 to 35 all in various stages of relationships.

To let you in on some of the conversations that have taken place so far, here are some questions that were thrown out:

1. How do I know if I’m ready to be in a relationship?

2.  What are your deal breakers?

3.  I have so much to offer, yet I’m still alone.  Why?

4.  What do you do when your potential “boo” puts you in the friend zone.

Juicy stuff!  So,  am I glad I added another chicken wing to my already overflowing buffet plate?  Why yes, yes I am because I plan on savoring every bit of experience, insight and knowledge this group has to share.

10 thoughts on “Young Adult Small Group – The Truth About Relationships

  1. Hey! I love your blog! May I say I envy you! Having a full rich life is what a lot of women dream of rather have full and rich (blessings) than empty and lonely,,my am a poet/writer and a blogger I just started my blog and still need to pretty it up. I hope to achieve the reader circle you have achieved. Salute!


    1. Hey Bernadette! Thank you for your sweet words! I peeked at your blog and you have a lot of great articles. I love that you keep God in your writing while talking about very relevant issues of today!

  2. You look beautiful as always Les. I so wish I lived near you. I could use a bible study like this, I mean seriously. You and the hubs should start a youtube channel or y’all can just counsel me via google hangout or something. LOL. I am dead serious.

  3. Hey Leslie!! Girl, great work with the young adult group… Would love to know the answers to the above questions esp # 3…

  4. You rock “superwoman.” I wished something like your YASG was in FL so I could recommend to my sister and cousin. Keep up the good work Leslie!

  5. This is great! My fiance and I are apart of a similar group at our church and we really enjoy it. It’s helped us grow so much. Keep letting God use you! XO 🙂


  6. This is great! The majority of my church fits in this age range and we participate in similar programs. They have been helpful to us in the past and even now as a married couple! May God continue to let your cup overflow!

  7. Leslie thank you. I don’t have any children at home but I don’t know why but sometimes I go around my house like just as busy as a woman with four children. I just have to tell myself you can’t do it all in one day. However I have those lazy days and make the mistake of trying to do everything in one or two. I have to get a routine together.

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